Tuesday, July 26, 2011

EduBlog Review 02

As a self professed total nerd and an instructor at Algonquin College in various media and video courses, Suze Muse (Susan Murphy) has a keen interest in the use of technology in education.
I first came across her blog when searching for information on the recent notice from the Ontario College of Teachers regarding the use of social media in the classroom. I don’t know about you, but the vague message from our union, administration, and board was to avoid the use of today’s media for communicating with our students. Through communications with other teachers, especially through a course such as this one, it’s apparent that to not use this technology would be an injustice to students. They use this media everyday in communicating with each other, and not always well. In reading her blog, she goes through the emotions that most teachers would have gone through when first hearing the news reports regarding the OCT advisory. Most news media outlets jumped on the report as a warning to teachers to avoid social media. However, when reading the report on the OCT website, it is clear that the College is actually advocating for the use of this technology in the classroom with caution. It’s too bad that the CBC and others did not use this OCT advisory as a way of promoting what good is being done in the classroom, instead of focusing only the negatives as news producers tend to do.
I found another great blog entry regarding digital literacy and how today’s youth, while turned on by technology, don’t understand it as much as we think. She writes about the amount of change in technology but the lack of evolution in the curriculum.
“...we are actually breeding a generation of digital illiterates. How? We are not teaching them how to really understand and use the tools. We are only teaching them how to click buttons.
Much of this discussion was brought to light in our forum discussions on internet usage and safety so I won’t go in depth, just wanted to share this article from this blog.
One final entry that really got my attention was the latest from July 20th, which is a short but direct piece on the use of the internet. It is all about the choices we make in the digital domain and how choose to represent ourselves. It is advice about using the internet properly and smartly for researching, communicating etc.... This would make good bulletin board material or a computer lab poster to remind students about proper online etiquette and respect.
I didn’t mean for this to be a review of three blog entries - I just found these caught my attention the most. The entire blog is full of excellent information and advice from a woman with a world of social media experience. Incorporating some of these ideas (ideals?) into our classes will help to make better use of the technology at hand while engaging our students in a modern learning environment.

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